Discovering New Learning Goals

I’ve been able to complete four leadership job shadows since May. I’ve observed two different leaders in a couple different scenarios. I focused a lot of my self-directed learning on...

Leaders as Teachers

Over the past week, I was on vacation at Cape May, NJ. As a native of the southeastern Pennsylvania region, my family enjoys multiple trips “down the shore” every summer...

Personal Values Reflection

Recently for PSEL, I was asked to identify my top 5 personal values. I had to chuckle a little bit at this assignment, as this is something I do with...

Leadership Insights from OLC Innovate 2017

I recently returned from New Orleans where I was attending the Online Learning Consortium’s annual Innovate Conference. The conference agenda was a slam-dunk, and I have to pat myself on...

Looking Forward to Next Phase of PSEL

We’ve focused a lot of time on introspection during the first part of the PSEL experience. After looking at all the feedback I received from my multi-rater survey and reflected...